Bootcamp – medicine ball

A Functional Fitness workout with Medicine Balls

NEEDED EQUIPMENT: Medicine Ball(s) and cones or markers
SET UP: Set up 10  cones about 5 yards apart
Sprint to cone #5, return, and do 5 Burpees
Sprint to cone #4, return, and do 4 Burpees
Sprint to cone #3, return, and do 3 Burpees
Sprint to cone #2, return, and do 2 Burpees
Sprint to cone #1, return and do 1 Burpee
Sprint to cone #10, return, and do 10 Jump Squats
Sprint to cone #9, return, and do 9 Jump Squats
Continue descending to cone #1 as in Circuit #1
Sprint to cone #5, return, and do 5 Donkey Kicks
Sprint to cone #4, return, and do 4 Donkey Kicks
Continue descending to cone #1 as in Circuit #1
Sprint to cone #5, return, and do 5 Hindu Push-ups
Sprint to cone #4, return, and do 4 Hindu Push-ups
Continue descending to cone #1 as in Circuit #1
Sprint to cone #10, return, and do 10 Mountain Climbers
Sprint to cone #9, return, and do 9 Mountain Climbers
Continue descending to cone #1 as in Circuit #1
For round #1, throw the Medicine Ball as hard as you can along the cones by throwing it on your left side. For round #2, throw the Medicine Ball from your right side. With each throw, divide the number of repetitions of the below exercises by the number of cones you made it past with your Medicine Ball. For example, you would start out throwing the Medicine Ball from your left side. If you made it past 5 cones, you can divide the 50 reps of Rowbaots by the #5 (number of cones you past). Therefore you would do 10 Rowboats (50 ÷ 5 = 10). Retrieve your Medicine Ball, return to the starting point, and do the 10 reps of Rowboats. Next, you throw the Medicine Ball again from your left side and divide the reps of 50 Ice Skaters by the number of cones you past. Don’t forget to retrieve your ball before doing the exercises.
50 Rowboats
50 – each side – Ice Skaters
20 Pike Push-ups
50 Leg Raises
20 Spiderman Push-ups
20 – each side – Split Squat Jumps
20 Sidestep Push-ups
X2 (remember, round 1 is throwing from your left side, round 2 is throwing from your right side)

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