What is up with all this weight loss talk on Kemme Fitness?

Some of you may remember the days when the Kemme Fitness website was all gray, urban, and grungy. All the workouts were intense because that was what my few followers (mostly coworkers) and I were doing. All we talked about was intense workouts and about how we punished each other like sadomasochists. I wrote my first ebook titled, “The Body That God Intended Us To USE.”  It focused on these intense workouts and how to make them and share them.

About a year ago, I found out that nobody really wanted to make up their own exercises and workouts. Coupled with the realization that runners and people working out at home were my biggest audience, I revamped the website to its current look. I added tons of at-home workouts and began developing exercises for things like the Mini Slosh Tube.

However, there were getting to be too many workouts to chose from and the site was getting to be overwhelming. That sparked the idea (thanks Shane) forK-Fit and the other 12 week programs. These programs have greatly increased the ease of use of the website, while yet still allowing for the archived workouts to provide variety.

We still aren’t talking about weight loss yet, I know. I was just setting up the backdrop for how Kemme Fitness has evolved. If you don’t have a tolerance for a reasonable amount of rambling, then you’re on the wrong website! Back to the point now:  essentially, I have targeted more generized fitness versus just being crazy and intense. An odd thing happened nexst – people I actually knew came to me and asked for help with losing weight. I reminded them that I am not a weight loss trainer, but I was reminded how every weight loss program needs a fitness piece.

Next thing we know, we have Project Yeti, where my friend Randy is beginning a long journey of weight loss and is willing to share his trials and successes with all of you. I also recently introduced you to my friend, Jon, who is losing tons of weight and preparing for an Ironman. Next thing you know, people from my church who haven’t exercised in a long time, and who can’t start with something like K-Fit, came to me to ask for help.

This brings me to the newest program.  I recently developed yet another 12 week program, but this one was designed for folks who are not up for K-Fit or even some of our beginner workouts.  This new program starts slower and use exercises that are more appropriate for the overweight and out of shape. My original thoughts for a name were K-Alternative, K-Special (too close to the cereal), or K-Potatoe (maybe too offense). I finally settled on K-Basic, which is now on the website and available to download (for free like everything else here). For weight loss, see this post as a guide to using Kemme Fitness as a part of that process.

I have no idea where this is all taking me. I simply love to share and can’t say no. Don’t worry though, I will continue to add crazy workouts and exercises, but you are going to see a weight loss component added to Kemme Fitness. I am learning tons and hope you all will too.

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