I turned to history and etymology to name my Homemade Macebell

Ok, Ok. So I can be corny and overly sentimental.  Thor is quite the obvious and uncreative name I gave to my 19 lb Homemade Macebell (the one with the round cement ball on the left there). It is made worse with the movie that came out this year, which makes me look even less original.

But, since that is the name I choose, then what to call his sidekick, the lighter (10 lb) cement pole to the right?  By the way, that guy is great for doing the Swings and Grave Diggers.

Unfortunately, nobody seemed to help me out, despite my pleas. Maybe it is for the better, as naming your own homemade equipment is a personal thing. Therefore, since I love history, I did some research and found some words associated with the Nordic God, Thor’s hammer. The Nordic term is impossible to spell and pronounce, so I looked for variations of the Proto-Indo-European common root word.

There were many words that translated into the word “hammer,” to the verb “to crush,” or the word “lightning.”  Out of the verbs for “to crush” came words associated with meal, mill, and miller (as in to crush and grind meal for food).  One stuck out as a great word to use. It is the Greek word meaning “mill” that arose out of that common Proto-Indo-European root word.

So please give a warm welcome to Thor’s partner – Mylos!

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